Let's build a telegram AI bot with all the functions @sumatman_bot has, there are only three major code blocks you need.

  • Flask for webhook
@app.route('/telegram', methods=['POST'])
def telegram_webhook():
    """Handle incoming Telegram messages."""
        # Parse the incoming update
        update = request.json
        if not update: return jsonify({"status": "ignored", "message": "No valid update found"})

        thread = Thread(target=process_telegram_message, args=(update,))

        return jsonify({"status": "success"})

    except Exception as e: return jsonify({"status": "error", "message": str(e)})
  • Call sumatman's endpoint
def call_function_endpoint(prompt, api_key=SUMATMAN_API_KEY, base_url=PUBLIC_API_URL):
    Calls the /v1/function endpoint with the given prompt and API key.
    :param prompt: The user's message to be processed
    :param api_key: The API key for authorization
    :param base_url: The base URL of the API (default is PUBLIC_API_URL)
    :return: The response as a JSON object
    endpoint = f"{base_url}/v1/function"
    headers = {
        "X-API-Key": api_key,
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    payload = {"prompt": prompt}

        response = requests.post(endpoint, headers=headers, json=payload)
        print(f"Response Status Code: {response.status_code}")

        return response.json()
    except ValueError as ve: return {"status": "error", "message": "Invalid JSON response", "details": response.text}
    except Exception as e:  return {"status": "error", "message": str(e)}
  • Telegram message process
def process_telegram_message(update):
    """Process a Telegram message in a separate thread."""

    update_message = update["message"]
    chat_id = update_message["chat"]["id"]
    chat_id = str(chat_id)

    message_text = update_message.get("text", "")
    api_key = SUMATMAN_API_KEY

    if message_text: 

        message_id = send_message_markdown(chat_id, f"Processing ...", telegram_token)
        ai_response = call_function_endpoint(message_text, api_key, base_url=PUBLIC_API_URL)
        # Handle response based on content type
        if ai_response["status"] == "success":
            content_type = ai_response["data"].get("content_type")
            content = ai_response["data"].get("content")
            content = content.get('content_string', 'No response') if content_type in ["crypto/ticker", "stock/ticker", "crypto/balance"] else content

            if content_type == "audio/mpeg": send_audio_url(chat_id, content, telegram_token, '', message_id)
            elif content_type == "image/jpeg": send_image_url(chat_id, content, telegram_token, '', message_id)

            send_message_markdown(chat_id, content, telegram_token, message_id)

        else: send_message_markdown(chat_id, ai_response.get("message"), telegram_token, message_id)
